As mentioned in the last blog post, THC is but one measure of a strain of cannabis, and if it's the only one you're after, you may be missing on some of the best effects of the plant. After all, 190 proof grain alcohol will get you plastered the quickest, but it might not be the most enjoyable time. This chart shows another compound, terpenes, their effects, and prevalence in some popular strain (see GSC and BD for a couple of ours). These compounds, together with other cannibinoids in the plant combine in what's called the "entourage" effect, meaning the sum of the whole is greater than the parts. In this way, some strains may make you feel a certain effect of a high more than others - even if the THC content is lower!
By no means is this an exhaustive list of strains, so the best way to determine how a particular strain will affect you is of course to try it!